Classic Rewatch: Revenge of the Cybermen

There seems to be a running trend in social media right now of voicing unpopular opinions as conversation starters. While we have no issues with this practice — it does, after all, spur some interesting discussions — it has an undertone at times that implies that what is about to be shared will be upsetting, inflammatory, or the seed of debate-turned-argument. We’re positive people, and try to find some quality and enjoyment in most of what we consume, so we […]

Classic Rewatch: Robot

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines madness as ‘behavior or thinking that is very foolish or dangerous’, whereas the term eccentricity is ‘deviation from an established pattern or norm; especially odd or whimsical behavior’. With that in mind, we choose to revise the offhand way we have previously referred to one of the most iconic actors ever to portray The Doctor. With sincerest apologies to Tom Baker, we simply didn’t think that calling his Fourth Doctor merely ‘eccentric’ did him justice…but his […]