(Re)GenerationWho4 Preview

If you’ve been a listener to this cast for anything more than an episode or two, first of all, you have our deepest thanks. But moreover, you’ve immediately learned that we get a little excited over things that we get involved in, or attend, or hear about, or brush up against in market aisles, or…well, you get the idea. We’re a lively bunch. So it should come as no surprise that when Oni and Harknell, showrunners for the Maryland-based (Re)GenerationWho […]

Classic Rewatch: The War Games

Sometimes, the best thing you can do when faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, once you’ve tried reasoning, confronting, and even running, is to align yourself with the most unlikely (if undesirable) cohorts. The safety of the many, in this case, outweighs the freedom of the few. Besides, who doesn’t want to know what those mysterious “Time Lords” are all about, anyway? Closing the Troughton chapter of our Classic Who rewatch, we enjoy the ten-episode marathon that is ‘The War Games’. With more punches […]