The Power of the Doctor
After five years and three seasons at the helm of Doctor Who, Chris Chibnall gives Thirteen and the entire cast and crew a most enjoyable sendoff.
A long-running Doctor Who fandom podcast aimed at open and positive discussion.
After five years and three seasons at the helm of Doctor Who, Chris Chibnall gives Thirteen and the entire cast and crew a most enjoyable sendoff.
It feels fitting that as we ready ourselves for the 60th anniversary special in 2023, we have the opportunity to enjoy this gem of a 20th anniversary story from 1983.
With a keystone, a sword, and an elephant in the console room, Thirteen and friends head to 19th century China to thwart a catastrophic plan from a classic foe.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Absence from the Master makes both hearts grow fonder. Take a short hiatus from full-tilt, beards-to-the-wall Roger Delgado stories, and his dastardly return is like that delicious thin mint after a massive four-course meal. Pair that little morsel of menace with a digestif of a Silurian spin-off species, and you’ve got a Whovian meal to remember. This week, we slowly rise from the depths of main show hiatus to absorb the six-part aquatic adventure, […]