Silver Linings in the Vortex, Part 1

No one loves to pull episodes of Doctor Who apart more than Whovians. We are the first to point out every flaw in plot, acting, or science. But yet, we continue to come back every week, and dive in once again, like schoolkids at the beach. This week, we decided to undertake the challenge of finding what compels us to love this program, despite the criticism from our own ranks. We’re taking the worst episodes we can identify, and finding […]

The Role of the Companion

The Doctor may have had many faces, but his Companions have had far more over the decades. In this installment, we take a look at what the role of the Companion has been, is today, and how different Companions over the years have worn each of these archetypes. We take a sampling from the entire history of the show, and lead ultimately to the question: where does Clara fit into all of this, and who will she be for the […]

Who is Responsible?

In the afterglow of “The Day of the Doctor” and “The Time of the Doctor” I can’t help but think about all the implications that these two pivotal episodes link. Things like the Doctor fully expecting to die at Lake Silencio, knowing he had no regenerations left as an ace in the hole. Or Rory, who wanted kids so badly, never being able to hold his actual daughter as a child (The one time he did, it was a ganger). This […]

The Time of the Doctor

“And now it’s time for one last bow      Like all your other selves. Eleven’s hour is over now,     The clock is striking Twelve’s.” Some of us have loved him since he first discovered fish fingers and custard. Some took a lot longer to accept that bow ties really are cool. But when that iconic bow tie crumpled to the floor, we all shed a tear as we bid farewell to Matt Smith. And then we choked […]

Doctor Who: Legacy Interview

Jay and Keir had the pleasure of interviewing the development and creative team behind Doctor Who: Legacy, Tiny Rebel Games. We were able to discuss with them the story behind the game’s inception, the joy of developing as a fan for fans, and plans for the near future. This game is truly a labor of love, and we wholeheartedly encourage you to go over to and thank Lee and Susan personally! Play in new window | Download | […]

Melissa’s Classic Who Primer Add-on

Due to technical difficulties, Melissa was unable to join us on the main cast, but we wanted to make sure she was included. This is Melissa’s addition to episode 65. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | RSS

The Officially Unofficial GPR Classic Who Primer

After celebrating the momentous milestone of the 50th anniversary, some Whovians have found a desire to go back and delve into more than just the past eight years. We at GPR are here to serve! We have put together a tutorial for starting a journey into “the classics”. Come with us as we visit some historic landmarks on the way to 2005. The War Games [2nd Doctor, Season 6] What? Why are large factions of Earth armies being taken out […]

Gallifrey Public Radio is now part of the Gonna Geek Network

We are pleased to announce that we are now a part of the Gonna Geek network. What does this mean to you as a listener? Not much really for now. But it does give us access to some tremendous geeky talent that may find their way onto GPR from time to time. It also means that you can head over to and find not only our content, but a veritable cornucopia of geeky topics and podcast. We’re very excited […]

The Multitude of the Doctor

It’s almost traditional on your birthday to look back, and remember your younger self. The Doctor gets to do that quite literally. This week, we take a look at the multiple Doctor stories that always seem to come out on anniversary years. From “The Three Doctors” all the way to “The Day of the Doctor”, we evaluate the science, and the lack there of, that bring the Doctor face to face with himself. Link Dump: Full length trailer for “The […]

Caption Contest Winners

First of all, thank you to everyone who entered the contest. We had a blast seeing the captions you all delivered and were hard pressed to pick the ten winners. The winners have already gotten their codes and are all enjoying their new team mate on Doctor Who: Legacy, Brian “Pond” Williams. So without further ado, in no particular order, here are the winners. Congratulations to all our winners and we hope you all enjoyed this contest.