Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

The Doctor has had many companions, but this week we pay tribute to the Earthling who could possibly be described as his longest, most understanding, and best friend, “The Brig”. Link Dump: Moffat: I’ve Lied My Arse Off About the 50th 50th anniversary special comic con trailer description UNIT recruitment film My Immortal Brigadier (A Nicholas Courtney Tribute Video) Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | RSS

The Valeyard

This week we take a look at one of the most infamous villains (both in the fiction and out) to ever spar with, well, himself. The Valeyard has come up more times than coincidence allows lately, so we’ve decided to take a look back and help everyone understand who this notorious Master-wannabe really is. We revisit his introduction in Trial of a Timelord, examine his forays into literary works, and explore some of the trivia surrounding this treacherous Timelord. Link […]

Whovians Are Brilliant

In the wake of our brief vacation, we decided to take some time and brag on our fellow fans. Whovians are a fantastic breed and they will never stop surprising you with their diversity and acceptance. This week Jay and Melissa discuss some of the encounters we’ve had with wild Whovians. Link Dump: Royal visit to the TARDIS 4th Doctor Time Capsule Box Set Murray Gold to premier new song at the Proms First look at David Bradley as the […]

HOW many Doctors in the Anniversary Special?

Leave it to Clara to open her mouth, and let something slip about the upcoming 50th Anniversary Special. During the Royal tour of the TARDIS set in Cardiff, Jenna Coleman (she is now dropping the “Louise” from her screen name) met Prince Charles of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, along with Matt Smith and a few Daleks to boot. BBC News: The Royals Meet Daleks During Doctor Who Visit in Cardiff (As an aside, there’s something fascinating about hearing […]

Are Cons Worth It? My Comicon Experience

I recently got to attend Texas Comicon in San Antonio. This was my first con and I wasn’t sure quite what to expect. Sure, we’ve all heard stories of San Diego Comic Con, or Dragon Con. But not many people go in depth about the smaller, local cons. I had done some research, I knew the celebrities who were gonna be there and some of the artists who would be displaying their work. But that doesn’t tell you what the […]

Who Tech

No one can deny that the Doctor has some really awesome gadgets. We go and buy toy replicas just so we can have a small feeling of what it’s like to have such amazing tech. Well we decided to talk about all those wonderful gizmos and dig into what makes them so great (or sometimes, infamous). Is there anything you feel we missed or didn’t explore deeply enough? Let us know your favorites in the comments below. Share which sonic […]

Whovian Starter Pack

With the 50th anniversary and a new Doctor right around the corner, there has never been as big a buzz around Doctor Who as we have now. So it seems like a natural time to star indoctrinating new Whovians. Now we’ve all had that horrible experience of trying to explain Doctor Who, and you’ve probably sat someone down and told them to start watching just to have them lose interest right around the farting alien fiasco. Well we decided to give […]

The Man Who Replaced “My” Doctor

I’ve made it no secret that David Tennant is “my” Doctor. He was a brilliant choice for the part and evolved the character in ways no one had thought of before. He was perfect for the role. And saying goodbye to him, hearing “I don’t want to go,” watching him exit broke my hearts. And as most Whovians tend to do, I unconsciously swore to hate the face that replaced my Doctor’s. Of course it didn’t last, it never does. The […]

Series 7 Review

While it was broken into two halves in every way possible, this week we endevour to take a look back on series 7 as a whole. We revisit the highs, and the many lows and share some listener feedback. We also look back at some of our predictions from back in January and check their validity now Link Dump: MILK to take over for the Mill as the VFX studio for Doctor Who Alex Kingston talks new Who Play […]

Breaking News – Matt Smith Leaving Doctor Who

The news broke earlier this weekend that the 11th Doctor is set to regenerate as a Christmas present to Whovians. Not what a lot of us had on our list, but it’s what we’re getting, all the same. We discuss why this news came out now, and what it could mean for the future of our favorite program, both in terms of show casting, and the ‘nature’ of the new Doctor. Link Dump: The Official Announcement Celebrities Tweet their Matt […]