Matt Smith Leaving in Christmas Special

The BBC announced today that Matt Smith will be leaving the show and the role of the Doctor in this year’s Christmas special. After 3 series and the 50th Anniversary special, the 11th Doctor will be regenerating to bring us a new Doctor with the new year. Though it was rumored that Smith would be staying on for Series 8, it was confirmed that his run would end this year. Matt Smith says: “Doctor Who has been the most brilliant experience […]

The Name of the Doctor – Round 2

This finale was just too dense for us to let go. We watched it again (some of us have lost count at this point) and dove back into the fray for another go round. This super-sized episode is chock full of as much as we could cram into it that we didn’t get in last week. Link Dump: Jemma Redgrave on her “vow of secrecy” filming the DW 50th 50th Anniversary books coming Leave John Simm Alone! Clarence and the […]

The Name of the Doctor

Do you hear the Whispermen?  The Whispermen are near. If you hear the Whispermen then turn away your ear. The series finale is finally hear and Whovians around the globe have suffered a collective neural meltdown. Answers were given, more questions were asked, and potato men flew through windows with burly Scottish brawlers. All in all, a terrific finale. We discuss how this episode could possibly affect the 50th anniversary, series 8, and the fandom as a whole. Join in on the […]

A Plea to our Fans

So I had two awesome but very different experiences this evening. After watching the series finale (by the way, AAAAAAAAHHHHHH [head asplode]) my wife and I went to the store. While there, I bumped into a few wild Whovians. Both came up to me and commented on my shirt and that got us started. Here’s where the stories differ. The first began to ask if I had watched the finale yet and asked what I thought of it. We discussed […]

Nightmare in Silver

The long wait is finally over. Neil Gaiman’s sophmore episode is here and we’re ready to break it down and tear into this meaty morsel. This highly anticipated episode has left a bit of a rift between die-hard Gaimanites and casual observers. Which side do you fall in? With only a few days left until the series finale,  we have far more questions than answers and we’re quickly running out of time to get everything we’re hoping for, if not […]

Steven Moffat on the 50th Anniversary Special – “Don’t Believe Everything You Hear, Or Don’t Hear”

Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat was interviewed on the red carpet at the British Academy Television Awards last night by Red Carpet News TV. He talked about the plans to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the show and hinted that he might not have revealed all of the secrets of the much awaited Special. “It’s one of the extraordinary success stories of television, Doctor Who. “ he said, “It’s one of the very few times that television’s created a character […]

Is it warm in here, or is it just me?

Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS

The episode we’ve all been waiting for is finally here. We finally get to explore the vast interior of our favorite time machine/spaceship. Well, sort of. Our dreams, while not dashed, were less than realized. What was your take on this episode? Was it everything you had hoped for? Is it the worst one so far? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. Link Dump: Moffat talking about the series finale. “No one has gotten [Clara’s story] right […]

So who wrote this, anyway?


We’ve hit the halfway point for series 7B, and it has finally taken the turn we were waiting for. We discuss the new episode penned by Neil Cross, Hide. The “right proper ghost story” finally hits our screens and we discuss the story, the implications, and the general spooky nature that it brought to us. Link Dump: The real story behind Barrowman NOT being in DW50? Apparently *this* is the most exciting 50th picture Cinematic new posters for the next 4 […]

New vs. Classic: A Battle of the Ages?

If you’ve been watching series 7B, you may be noticing it’s a little bit on the heavy side with nostalgia. Mentions of Susan, an adversary not seen since the third Doctor, TARDIS gadgets that are just as old, referencing the Eye of Harmony. The list is growing exponentially. With the 50th anniversary fast approaching, it’s completely understandable. This show has a history to draw on that no other show on TV can match. But the newest episode “Hide” has brought […]

Doctor Who?

The BBC released the name of the series finale for Series 7. This will be the episode that leads us into the 50th anniversary special. In the spirit of fairness, we won’t blast this all over in case of spoiler sensitive fans out there. For everyone else, click below to see the story. [spoiler] The finale, which had been rumored to be called “The Funeral of River Song,” was revealed today to be “The Name of the Doctor.” Clearly Moffat […]