Quotable Companions

When you have a program that has spanned the decades as few like Doctor Who have done, and have at times both intentionally and unintentionally replaced actors within the principal cast, you have a rather large set of characters to draw upon for any sort of trivia game you might devise. Take three so-called “fans” of the program, and pit them against each other in attempts to identify which character delivered a single line from a single episode across that […]

Doctor’s Orders

“Run for it, Marty! The Mistress is…sitting in MY SPOT!” We always listen closely when the Doctor shares one of his many pearls of wisdom with us. Perhaps it’s because of his gravitas, his gathered millennia of otherworldly experiences, or his commanding presence. Perhaps it’s the title — Doctor. It commands a degree of respect and attention. When the Doctor speaks, we’re often compelled to listen. So does that apply to other famed doctors we’ve come into contact with? Joined […]

Family “Who-ed”

When Whovians are asked to go any length of time without new content, one of two things happen. Either they create incredibly elaborate and fascinating fan-made content, proving that the fanbase is alive and well and will warmly welcome the program back from the hiatus, or they go slightly stir crazy, and entertain themselves with rounds of stupid activities. (Guess which category we fall into.) This week, we stave off delirium with our own take on the old game show favorite “Family […]

Doctor Swap

Have you ever wondered what the first Doctor would have done if he had a companion like Peri? Or how the fifth Doctor would have dealt with the weeping angels? Buckle up, it’s time for “Doctor Swap.” This week we play a game and imagine what existing Doctor Who stories would be like with a different actor playing the role. It’s equal parts hilarious and terrifying. Join us, won’t you? News Links: Doctor Who to Have Eight Seasons Streaming on […]