Classic Rewatch: The Dalek Invasion of Earth

In 1963, the world was introduced to the alien horrors of the “homicidal trash bins” known as the Daleks. As terrifying as they were to the audience of the time, there may yet have been a sense of separation from this manifestation of evil, as we (through the eyes of the TARDIS team) met them millions of years in the future, on their strange planet of Skaro. When next we find them, however, the dangers of these sinister pepperpots strikes home […]

Classic Rewatch: The Time Meddler

What’s the first thing you would do if given access to a time machine? If your first answer isn’t “exploit temporal dynamics to make myself rich beyond reason” then you’re doing it wrong. Other acceptable answers are “muck about in the past to see what outcomes you can create in the future” or “steer world events to my liking because, why the hell not?” This week we explore the classic story “The Time Meddler” and ask ourselves if we’d be […]

Classic Rewatch: The Keys Of Marinus

What is one to do when one’s vehicle is locked away by a strange old keeper of an invaluable ancient technological wonder? Clearly, one must heed his demands, and go on a number of convoluted adventures to various locations, seeking the elusive McGuffin. This week, we discuss the first season’s classic story, “The Keys of Marinus.” Join us as we travel with the Doctor and company all over an alien world, looking for the titular keys in a wholly new type of storytelling for dramatic adventure tales […]

Classic Rewatch: An Unearthly Child

Nostalgia is a wonderful thing. Looking fondly back on the vacations of our youth, remembering our first time driving without an adult in the car, thinking back to the television programs that entertained us so completely, so many years ago. Could we possibly be nostalgic for something that preceded a great majority of us? Even further, could we look to something from years past that perhaps we’ve never seen, and still feel that warmth and familiarity of our contemporary possessions? We certainly […]