And In This Corner…

This week, we process the statements by Chibnall and the BBC Worldwide informing us that Series 11 will have an entirely new roster of villains and dangers to be faced, and that the time-tested ranks of Daleks, Cybermen, Missy and the like will not be seen for some time.

Our Summer Smorgasbord

Sometimes, we admit, we’re a little easy to distract. Shiny objects, loud noises, one-day sales on sweet-and-salty snacks at the market, the fascinating array of human display at shopping malls, casinos, and convention floors. But we choose to see this as an asset, rather than a weakness: it allows us to be able to absorb Whovian stimuli from a myriad of sources without allowing the majority of our synapses to sizzle out irrevocably. (Note that we said “the majority”, but […]

Classic Rewatch: Planet of Evil

In the world of science fiction, antimatter has been a nearly limitless source of ideas. It can be used to power devices of all kinds, mutate entire ecosystems, rewrite the very timeline, and in extreme cases perhaps even . . . make someone . . . hairy and . . . angry? This week we revisit the fourth Doctor story, The Planet of Evil, and discuss the Doctor and Sarah Jane encountering the predecessor to Zapp Brannigan and Space Force […]