Comparing Timepieces: Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure

There are pivotal moments, singularities if you will, that not only define who we are in the annals of history, but within our own identities. We learn that we are part of a greater purpose, and that our actions — however seemingly trivial — are the beat of a butterfly’s wings that eventually cause the rise of a hurricane. The realization of our interconnectedness, the holistic relevance of all things we say and do, opens our eyes and awareness to a […]

Comparing Timepieces: Back to the Future

Exactly 30 years ago, the world was introduced to the McFly family, and the amazing (albeit scattered) mind of Doctor Emmett Brown. From that day forward, the notion of time travel in the American mind would never be the same. But after three decades and as many films in the franchise, how does the story line up with the way we theorize about theoretical time travel today? This week, we discuss the Back to the Future trilogy and the way it portrays both the […]

An Inside Update on L.I. Who 3

Whether you believe your calendar or not, November is right around the corner. Here in the Whovian realm, that means the Long Island Doctor Who Convention, and the talented folks behind L.I. Who 3 are ramping up for the biggest DW-fandom convention in the northeast United States — perhaps the entire east coast — and this is only their third year hosting the event. In this special supplementary episode, Keir and Jay discuss the upcoming festivities with Andre Tessier, who handles press relations […]

The Series 9 Wish List

  This week, as the countdown timer to Series 9 clicks into its final month, we feel it’s only right that we put on the Gallifreyan Robes of Wishful Thinking, and discuss all the plot, character and thematic questions that we hope we see answered — or at least paid lip service — in the episodes to come. News Links: Tennant and RTD Together in Cardiff Reece Shearsmith in Series 9 No Doctor Who in 2016…What? Moffat Discusses a Female Doctor, and […]

A Connecticut Yankee in Doctor Who’s Court

Keir returns from his recent trip to the United Kingdom, and shares tales of his many adventures with us, including a very special visit to the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff. We also catch up on a plethora of news that has piled up since our last installment. A few photos from the DWE below the news! News Links: How To Make The Most Of Your Visit To The Doctor Who Experience The (Real) Wedding of River Song Michael Gambon Talks […]

The Daleks

  What does it take to make a villain that lasts over 50 years? Apparently an early fan acceptance followed by contractual obligation. The Daleks have terrorized the Doctor since his second televised adventure and don’t show any signs of giving up any time soon. This week Haley and Jay revisit the first appearance of the Daleks and discuss their evolution, improvements, and what it will take to keep them as a viable villain moving forward. News Links: Doctor Who […]

Doctor Who at SDCC 2015

  From being completely absent last year, to coming in force this year, Doctor Who is no stranger to the world of San Diego Comic Con. While their “World Tour” in 2014 made an appearance at SDCC superfluous, they made up for it this year by bringing Steven Moffat, Jenna Coleman, Michelle Gomez, and the Doctor himself, Peter Capaldi to the most recognizable name in conventions in the U.S. This week Haley and Jay discuss the panel in a maximum […]

When Science Takes a Holiday

When was the last time you sat down to watch Doctor Who expecting to learn something new and exciting about science? Now, when was the last time you found yourself scratching your head at the form of “science” you were actually handed? We have all come to expect that we need to suspend disbelief to enjoy a program about a time-traveling alien with a police booth for a spaceship, but how far are we really expected to suspend it for a show that is, by […]

Pop Culture Honors the Doctor

When you love something dearly, you want to surround yourself by it. You immerse yourself in it. You find ways to involve it in aspects of your life where it may otherwise not have a place. If you happen to be a writer, producer, director or actor on a film or television set, or perhaps a game developer or author, you might even go so far as to find subtle (or not so subtle) ways to reference that deep-seated interest […]

A Conversation with Paul Cornell

“What really knocks me out is a book that, when you’re all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn’t happen much, though.” — J.D. Salinger This week, we are thrilled to be joined by none other than writer Paul Cornell, author of numerous Doctor Who novels, the televised episodes Father’s Day, Human Nature, and Family […]