Classic Rewatch: The Mind of Evil

It doesn’t take much to rattle some people. For those poor souls, their fears and concerns weigh so heavily upon them, the slightest provocation send them reeling into fits of worry and despair. Others are made of sterner stuff — but as we’ve learned from so many stories, everyone has their limits. There have been a number of science fiction series who have toyed with the idea of criminal rehabilitation via some form of mental reconditioning (Star Trek, Fringe, The […]

Classic Rewatch: Terror of the Autons

The deus ex machina trope has been explored and adapted more times in science fiction media that we could count. When Doctor Who writer Robert Holmes developed the Nestene Consciousness for “Spearhead from Space”, he paired the concept of a non-corporeal sentient being with the god-in-the-machine premise in the form of the Autons, and the Whovian world would never be the same. Not left to rest on his laurels, however, Holmes was by no means finished, and in the next appearance […]

Inferno (Classic Rewatch Series)

There are elements of “classic” Doctor Who that make even the most die-hard fans a little uneasy. Low-budget limitations on effects, rushed plot devices, possibly a poorly-cast extra who can’t seem to keep from pulling focus, even as a dead body. But then there are the exemplary stories, the ones where the acting, pacing, story concept, and the precarious balance of action and wit all add up to a pitch-perfect viewing experience. We may gush a bit, like so many […]

Classic Rewatch: The Ambassadors of Death

♬ Just sit right back, and you’ll hear a tale A tale of a trip to Mars You’d better clear some time, we warn It’s told in seven parts. Some astronauts went missing, and When UNIT gets involved They call upon the Doc and Liz And things quickly devolve. ♬ This week, we find the diamonds in the radioactive rough that is the Third Doctor story, “The Ambassadors of Death”. Liz Shaw shines, the Doctor demonstrates his ability to merge science […]

Classic Rewatch: Spearhead From Space

So begins another era in the wildly unpredictable history of Doctor Who. The departure of Patrick Troughton and his co-stars at the close of the sixth season added additional uncertainty to the direction (or entire future) of the show. Producers, writers, and script editors including the legendary Terrance Dicks and Derrick Sherwin set out to redefine the television programme, breathing new life with new filming techniques, supporting cast, theme and tone, and the casting of a lead actor who could carry the demands of affability, action, […]

Classic Rewatch: The War Games

Sometimes, the best thing you can do when faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, once you’ve tried reasoning, confronting, and even running, is to align yourself with the most unlikely (if undesirable) cohorts. The safety of the many, in this case, outweighs the freedom of the few. Besides, who doesn’t want to know what those mysterious “Time Lords” are all about, anyway? Closing the Troughton chapter of our Classic Who rewatch, we enjoy the ten-episode marathon that is ‘The War Games’. With more punches […]

Classic Rewatch: The Seeds of Death

It is a time of peril for the inhabitants of Earth. A time when technology has left us complacent, and the worst of all evils can prey upon us, with complete disregard for the billions of lives at stake. No, it’s not the 2016 presidential election — it’s Jamie, Zoe, and the Second Doctor as they face the Ice Warriors once again. And this time? They’re packing spores. Or…dish soap. We’re not quite sure. This week, the GPR team romps […]

Classic Rewatch: The Krotons

“All right, there’s no need to shout! Now go away, and don’t fuss me. No, come back. What’s this? It’s all right, I know. Right, fire away. I’m ready.” In a set of episodes that rewards viewers with timeless dialogue (“Oh, my giddy aunt!”), delightfully cold and heartless robotic killing machines, dramatic tension between a partisan populace, and more than a fair share of punches thrown, lasers fired, and chemistry lessons learned, this multifaceted sci-fi story is yet another in the long list […]