
We dissect the sixth episode of Series 12, and find that there’s a time and a place for a proper “breather episode” amidst all the uproar.

Fugitive of the Judoon

We prepared ourselves for a good old mercenary adventure, with equal parts humorous wordplay and brutish thuggery. The surprises we were thrown left us gasping for air and grasping for comprehension.

Spyfall Part One

Spyfall, Part One

We’re rocked back on our heels with the Series 12 opener, getting a storyline we love, questions that challenge us, concerns for characters, and…THAT moment. “Hi.”

Giving Thanks for a Series 12 Trailer

The official “Doctor Who Day” of 2019 brought us something we’ve been hoping to see on our holiday table for months, now: an action-packed trailer for the new series complete with guest appearances, adversaries old and new, famous historical figures, car chases, and plenty of explosions.

They Deserve More Time

We task ourselves this week with identifying just a few of the briefly-met characters who we wish had another opportunity, large or small, to return to the program. It could be a passing cameo, a where-are-they-now glimpse into their lives after having met and interacted with the Doctor, or even a full episode adventure with them past, present, or future.



This week, we enjoy a boisterous, loud, daresay explosive hour-long adventure as our first and last piece of new televised Doctor Who content of the year. An all-too-familiar opponent makes a new appearance from a rather old point of origin, which leads to one of the Thirteenth Doctor’s best verbal exchanges of the season.