Classic Rewatch: Masque of Mandragora
Gazing into Season 14 like so many 15th century telescopes, we step back to a Baker and Sladen historical piece with a talented, if singularly gendered, supporting cast.
A long-running Doctor Who fandom podcast aimed at open and positive discussion.
Gazing into Season 14 like so many 15th century telescopes, we step back to a Baker and Sladen historical piece with a talented, if singularly gendered, supporting cast.
Strapping on our weed-killer backpacks, and exercising absolutely ZERO patience for thug henchmen, we plunge into the undergrowth of “The Seeds of Doom”, the closing story of Season 13.
This week, Jeremy Radick calls in once again to join us for a lovely stroll through a dark and sinister laboratory, as “The Brain of Morbius” taunts us into action.
This week, Jay is out of the studio (or IS he?) as the rest of us learn to trust no one. We’re 90% certain we’re watching Doctor Who and not Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but who can be certain?
We dive wholeheartedly into this classic among classics from the 13th season with Sarah Jane and the Fourth Doctor. We are the Sycophants of Sladen. SHE NEEDS NO OTHER.
In the world of science fiction, antimatter has been a nearly limitless source of ideas. It can be used to power devices of all kinds, mutate entire ecosystems, rewrite the very timeline, and in extreme cases perhaps even . . . make someone . . . hairy and . . . angry? This week we revisit the fourth Doctor story, The Planet of Evil, and discuss the Doctor and Sarah Jane encountering the predecessor to Zapp Brannigan and Space Force […]
This week, we dive to the bottom of Loch Ness to begin Season 13, and meet the shapeshifting adversaries not to be seen again for 40 years.
There seems to be a running trend in social media right now of voicing unpopular opinions as conversation starters. While we have no issues with this practice — it does, after all, spur some interesting discussions — it has an undertone at times that implies that what is about to be shared will be upsetting, inflammatory, or the seed of debate-turned-argument. We’re positive people, and try to find some quality and enjoyment in most of what we consume, so we […]
Typically, we’d use this moment to compose a little anecdote about the world around us, a little commentary on social behavior and interaction, and then tie it in somehow to a recurring theme or plot line from the classic Doctor Who story we’re currently revisiting. Doing so, in this case, would rob us of the time we’d rather be enjoying one of Tom Baker’s most iconic performances, and a remarkably solid script from Terry Nation. (We know you had it […]
This week, Taylor from The PODcastica joins us for a surprisingly brief rewatch of Season 12’s two-part story, ‘The Sontaran Experiment’.