L.I. Who 4 Preview

We’ve never backed off our immense love and preference for the intimate, fan-run conventions, be they based on the Doctor Who fandom, or any other. There’s nothing like finding yourself in line for a morning cup of tea next to a celebrity or writer you admire, instead of rubbing far more than elbows with every living soul packed like so many sardines into an overcrowded convention hall. Long Island Doctor Who, or L.I. Who for short, has figured you the balance between intimacy of scale […]

Audio Killed the Video Script

We all have a fascination with spoken word, to some extent. It’s the reason why we listen to (and create) podcasts, after all. The tale as told by another is a fascination as old as human civilization and possibly older, and the more skillful the bard, scrivener or storyteller, the more enthralled we become, as their words create mental images richer and more complex than any painting or tapestry. Is it any wonder, then, that within the fictional universe created specifically […]

Classic Rewatch: The Mind Robber

Let us tell you a story. Once, in a far-off land, many, many years apart from the time we live now, three dear friends went on an adventure. This was not your usual storybook adventure, where brave souls battled fearsome monsters, rescuing…oh, wait, it sort of is that sort of adventure. Well, it definitely didn’t have traps and snares, puzzles of wit designed to test our heroes’ intellect as well as physical…hmm. It has that, too. Okay, it certainly wasn’t a journey […]

Our 200 Episode Diary

From the early recordings of two American fans of Doctor Who ecstatic over the just-aired episode, to the live recordings at Whovian conventions joined by listeners from far and wide, the GPR studio has grown from an extracurricular activity to a critical part of our lives. (I’m speaking personally at the moment, here, but as you’ll hear in the cast, the sentiment is shared.) Five years and 200 installments later, we have made more friends than we can count within this […]

Classic Rewatch: The Dominators

All we wanted was a nice, peaceful island vacation; but then this drilling team shows up and ruins everything. Honestly, though, perhaps we should have expected it. After all, when a world goes to great lengths to establish themselves as completely non-violent, isn’t that just begging for an overtly violent race to come and, well…dominate them? This week, Haley and Jay continue our classic rewatch series and discuss the Second Doctor story, “The Dominators.” From obnoxious robot voices, to explosions, to extensive outerwear that […]

A Wise Person Once Said…

There once was a campaign in the United States for an investment broker, where the tagline read, “When <company> talks, everyone listens.” You may not have an iota of interest in the stock market, of course, but when the Doctor steps forward, takes a strengthening breath, and begins an oration, the viewing audience joins the supporting cast in rapt attention to what is about to be said. It may even be argued that within the past 3 series, the opportunities for […]

Classic Rewatch: The Web of Fear

There’s so much to love about the Troughton era in total, but as a result of the travesty that is the bemoaned “lost episodes”, we have limits to the amount of televised footage that we can truly enjoy in its full form, as it aired. At this point in our trip through the (nearly) complete classic Doctor Who stories, the episodes we spin up are like little 22-minute gifts. And I (Keir, hullo!) may be speaking for myself here, but this […]

The Elevator Pitch of Doom

All you wanted was a simple trip down to the ground floor, to grab a fresh cuppa from the fairly trustworthy cafe before dashing back up to your hotel room. Little did you know that when the doors closed, you’d find yourself next to none other than the head of programming for [insert really hip television network here]! Brain reeling, you see this as your big chance to lay out your ideas for that program that you’ve always wanted — but you […]

Classic Rewatch: Tomb of the Cybermen

There are Doctor Who stories that you keep on a short list of those to recommend to the uninitiated or under-exposed, in hopes of winning them over to the fandom. Often these stories have a solid amount of explanation for newcomers, a solid plot and conflict to hold interest, and a degree of plausibility that will keep skeptics and critics at bay. There are also those installments of DW that are one’s personal favourites, for a myriad of reasons, that may […]

Let It Be Written

We are appreciators, enthusiasts, and fanatics of certain television programs due in no small part to the captivating nature of the stories they tell. They are the creators and builders of worlds, the artists that add color, detail, and depth to an audio-visual experience that captures our imaginations, stimulates our minds, and often touches our hearts. With over 250 televised stories within Doctor Who, how does each writer put their individual and unique mark upon the tale being told? Can a producer […]