Duels with Davros

From promising young scientist, to father of genocidal pepper pots, Davros has had more opportunities than most to test the Doctor’s resolve. He’s always willing to conduct deep philosophical discussion with the Time Lord on topics of authority, power and morality, and give the Doctor (and the rest of us) something to ponder regarding the limits of evil. With the newest trailers from the BBC, it’s all but blatantly stated that we will be seeing the return of the malevolent little whack-a-mole. We […]

Talkin’ About Regeneration

No one is quite sure whether regenerations are harder on the Doctor or his fans. Sure, he’s literally rewriting every cell in his body, but we’re seeing the close of a relationship with someone whom we don’t want to leave. One of the reasons why it seems so difficult may be the uncertainty over exactly who the next Doctor is going to be: physically; behaviorally; psychologically; emotionally. But maybe it’s not quite an unknown after all… We are in many ways a product of […]

Paul McGann @ Comicpalooza 2014

Paul McGann: Comicpalooza 2014

There are certain things that are just unfortunate in life: (a) Nutella is not sold in gallon buckets; (b) Americans will likely never embrace the metric system; and (c) Paul McGann will never get enough screen time in the role of the Eighth Doctor. Thankfully, we have days’ worth of audio material to enjoy, and thanks to intrepid GPR reporters on the scene at Houston’s Comicpalooza 2014, a thoroughly enjoyable Q&A session with Mr. McGann. From his recollections on preparation […]

Barrowman @ Comicpalooza

John Barrowman: Comicpalooza 2014

If you’ve ever had a chance to meet Mr. Barrowman or see him in person, you know how profoundly…entertaining he can be.  He’s a larger-than-life personality, a seemingly boundless energy source, and has no problem reminding everyone as often as he can. He recently appeared at Comicpalooza in Houston, Texas, and we were able to record his panel to share with you. Hold on to your pants (because we all know he won’t), and enjoy an hour with John Barrowman. Here’s the […]

Everybody Lives!

What’s the difference between Steven Moffat and a Dalek? One is a soulless beast that will destroy everything that you love and rain misery down upon you. The other is a Dalek. But how accurate is that joke? Sure, we’ve all shed our fair share of tears over the loss of a beloved character, but then it’s all better when they come back in five episodes, or two, or even later in the same one. When comic book writers point […]

The Man Who Would Be Doctor

There was a period which Whovians called “The Dark Times”, when the 7th Doctor and Ace had sauntered off in search of other adventures beyond our sight, and were seemingly gone for good. Then in May of 1996, we heard that familiar “vwoorp vwoorp” coming from our televisions again, though the result was not quite what we may have expected. The 8th Doctor came and went in a brief period, but the impact he made on us was nonetheless significant. He is the […]

The Nutty Professor

Magician, mentor, madman. When Sylvester McCoy took the control panel of the TARDIS from Colin Baker during the break between Series 23 and 24, he had quite the challenge in front of him. Thanks to a complex repertoire of dramatic skills ranging from classical to slapstick, a primary script writer who had a clear direction of the story he wished to tell, and a viewer-satisfying Companion arc, our Seventh Doctor rose to that challenge, and this week we delve into three episodes […]

Series 8 Hypotheses, Live from Geekation

Take 30 sci-fi, fantasy, gaming and tech enthusiasts, give them 4+ days away from all responsibility, and release them in the desert. No, it isn’t a new, dorky season of Survivor, but it is Geekation 2014, the nerd-meetup event in Las Vegas where laughs were had, drinks were consumed, dollars were spent, and in the thick of it all, we recorded a live podcast about the upcoming Season 8 of Doctor Who, and discussed the facts and fantasies behind the […]

The Geekation 2014 “Group Cast”

As many of you know, GPR were among quite a few podcast of the Gonna Geek Network that made it to Geekation this year. Since it is such a rare thing for all of us to be in the same time zone, let alone the same hotel suite, we took the opportunity to do a podcast all together, recapping some of the highlights of the “Poindexter Party” up to that point. Your Contributors: Jay: Gallifrey Public Radio and the Starling Tribune […]

An Extra Splash of Colour

Incidentally, as I did mention in the last ‘cast that there are some great examples of extended material via book and audio play format, here are a few additional pieces of Mr. Baker’s work (and Sixth Doctor stories in general) you might enjoy: The Apocalypse Experiment (Big Finish Audio CD): Sixth and Evelyn discover the whereabouts of missing Gallifreyan President Romana (!), gone some 20 years, in the midst of a Dalek invasion of the Time Lords’ home planet. A great […]