When Dark Eyes are Smiling

It’s no secret to anyone who has listened to GPR for any length of time that we are tremendous fans of the audio productions that emerge from the Big Finish studios. They bring the classic era to life over and over again in artistic and magical ways, expanding upon the Whovian universe and allowing established televised characters (Doctors and Companions alike) to flourish and grow beyond their time on screen. But where we feel they truly stand out (and this may […]

The No-Longer-Impossible Girl

When she first appeared unexpectedly in “Asylum of the Daleks”, we were all shocked and left unable to form a proper opinion. When she then returned (in another form) in “The Snowmen”, we fell in love, only to mourn her inexplicable death. And when ‘Clara Prime’ finally joined us in “The Bells of St. John,” we reached the point of wondering what the hell was really going on. Now that we’re on the other side of a character-driven and well-structured Series 8, and we have a fully realized […]

The Return of…

The BBC has confirmed that both Missy and Kate Stewart will both be returning for Series 9, and this got us wondering; who else might we see return? More accurately stated, who is most likely to return in the season ahead? Then of course, being the rabid fanatics we are, we descend quickly into postulating who should-would-could-ought-to, and…well, you get the idea. This week, we start by putting concerted effort into predicting those characters who would make the most sense […]

Live from Gallifrey One: The 26 Seasons of Gallifrey One

Imagine — if you will — that your tireless crusade has been completed, and you have finally converted everyone to Whovianism. You walk down the street, and every living soul you cast your eyes upon is a Whovian. You can strike up a conversation with a complete stranger and discuss your favorite companion, series, villain, or storyline. You can enter a crowded room and shout, “I always take a banana to a party!” and everyone laughs, and knows precisely what you […]

Hypothetical Who

Have you ever wondered what sort of trouble Sarah Jane could get into if she were running around with River Song? Perhaps it warms your heart to consider a scene where the Brig sits down and has a pint with Captain Jack. Maybe you’ve caught yourself thinking about what would happen if the Fifth Doctor were the one to save Rose… This week, we carelessly cross time streams all over the place, and come up with our favorite mash-ups for Doctor Who characters. […]

Last Christmas

Wake up, kids! It’s Christmas morning. An entire day to spend marathon-watching some Christmas films (along with a horror movie or two), stress a while about relationship dramas during the holiday season, and eat everything in the stocking…except the tangerine. Because nobody likes the tangerines. By mid-afternoon, we can slip quietly and blissfully into a chocolate-induced sugar coma. How bad could that possibly be? The eagerly awaited 13th episode of Series 8 has finally arrived, and this week we talk about “Last Christmas” and […]

The Ghost of Christmas Specials Past

The soft glow of the holiday lights. The faint strains of a familiar carol heard from a neighbor’s home. The smell of nutmeg floating in the crisp air. The shiver down your spine as a needle-sharp claw comes to rest on your shoulder. Happy Christmas, Whovians! With the holiday mere days away, and more importantly for our calendars, the Doctor Who Christmas special, we decided to take a look back at the previous yuletide offerings that have been placed under our trees…right next to that […]

There Are No Stupid Questions…

If there’s one thing Steven Moffat knows how to do exceptionally well, it’s how to leave a viewer exasperated and asking, “But…but…what about (this)?” While Series 8 certainly had a fair number of fascinating revelations and answers, there are still plenty of questions left untended. This week, we discuss some of the glaring omissions, some minor holes in our knowledge, and the minuscule things that shouldn’t bother us…but we can’t help but keep going over in our head. (For example, where […]