A Genuine TARDIS-Shaped Podcast
This week, we have some fun with the strangest connections some brands have made in order to capitalize on the Doctor Who market.
A long-running Doctor Who fandom podcast aimed at open and positive discussion.
This week, we have some fun with the strangest connections some brands have made in order to capitalize on the Doctor Who market.
Have you ever wondered what sort of trouble Sarah Jane could get into if she were running around with River Song? Perhaps it warms your heart to consider a scene where the Brig sits down and has a pint with Captain Jack. Maybe you’ve caught yourself thinking about what would happen if the Fifth Doctor were the one to save Rose… This week, we carelessly cross time streams all over the place, and come up with our favorite mash-ups for Doctor Who characters. […]
Whether you deem yourself a part of the “Baker Brigade” or a flag-waving resident of “Tennant Nation”, we’re talking to you. If you align yourself firmly with “Classic Who”, “NuWho”, or are a recruit/convert/drop-in from Torchwood, we’d like a moment of your time. Everyone listening? Thank you. In the words of another time-traveling team, we ask that you cease with in-fighting, and “be excellent to each other.” There are all sorts of subsets within the Doctor Who fan base, and if examine your stance carefully, you’ll […]
To draw a quote from the great Benjamin Franklin and throw it into an entirely unfamiliar context, it is the first responsibility of every [fan] to question [the showrunner]. We as Whovians, however, may have taken this axiom to a whole new level. There’s no way to be a fan of Doctor Who with access to the Internet, and not hear (at best) the lamentations of how Stephen Moffat is ruining the show in often completely contradictory ways, or (at worst) the cries for his curly head […]
There are moments when we like to take pause, and hand the proverbial microphone to our listeners, allowing them to steer the conversation, share their opinions, and tell us all the many, many ways that we are flatly wrong. This time around, we opened Pandora’s Box in the attempt to find what everyone outside the GPR studios thought of Doctor Who Series 8 in our online poll (still open, by the way!), and the response was staggering. In fact, we received so much great feedback […]
There seems to be a divide among the Whovian community. (A shocking concept to all of us, no doubt.) While some loved the entirety of Series 8, others felt with equal fervor that it was a horrible mess. Some love the new Doctor as portrayed by Peter Capaldi, and others hate him. And as always, there is the highly vocal group who blame Steven Moffat for everything wrong in the Whovian world. Where do you stand? Let us know what you thought […]
Each actor to take up the mantle of the Doctor has certainly added his own flare to the character. Be it the humor of Tom Baker, the bravado of Colin Baker, or the emotional hair of David Tennant, each infused the titular role with his own unique personality. But what happens when the actor has watched each Doctor (or in one case, shared the screen with him), and is asked to craft his own persona? This week, we scrutinize the appearance and behavior of Capaldi’s […]
Wake up, kids! It’s Christmas morning. An entire day to spend marathon-watching some Christmas films (along with a horror movie or two), stress a while about relationship dramas during the holiday season, and eat everything in the stocking…except the tangerine. Because nobody likes the tangerines. By mid-afternoon, we can slip quietly and blissfully into a chocolate-induced sugar coma. How bad could that possibly be? The eagerly awaited 13th episode of Series 8 has finally arrived, and this week we talk about “Last Christmas” and […]
The soft glow of the holiday lights. The faint strains of a familiar carol heard from a neighbor’s home. The smell of nutmeg floating in the crisp air. The shiver down your spine as a needle-sharp claw comes to rest on your shoulder. Happy Christmas, Whovians! With the holiday mere days away, and more importantly for our calendars, the Doctor Who Christmas special, we decided to take a look back at the previous yuletide offerings that have been placed under our trees…right next to that […]
If there’s one thing Steven Moffat knows how to do exceptionally well, it’s how to leave a viewer exasperated and asking, “But…but…what about (this)?” While Series 8 certainly had a fair number of fascinating revelations and answers, there are still plenty of questions left untended. This week, we discuss some of the glaring omissions, some minor holes in our knowledge, and the minuscule things that shouldn’t bother us…but we can’t help but keep going over in our head. (For example, where […]